Hansgrohe Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy

Current as at: 31/01/2024

This Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy ("CST Policy") describes the different types of cookies and similar technologies that are used by Hansgrohe Pte Ltd on pro.hansgrohe.com.sg (the "Website"). We may amend this CST Policy at any time. Please see the "Current as at" date above for the latest revision date of this CST Policy. The changes to this CST Policy shall take effect when we make the revised CST Policy available on or via the website.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email at privacy@hansgrohe.com.

1. What are cookies and similar technologies?

Cookies are a standard feature of websites that allow us to store small amounts of data about your visit to our website on your computer. Cookies help us to find out which parts of the website are useful and which sections need improving. For this purpose, we also use technologies similar to cookies, such as Flash local shared objects (also called Flash cookies) and pixel tags.

You can use your browser settings to decide whether to consent to the use of cookies and similar technologies in general or to change specific settings for the website (as described in Section 3 of this CST Policy). However, disabling cookies and similar technologies may have a negative impact on your experience on the website and some features may not work as intended.

2. What cookies and similar technologies do we use?

Below is a list of the different types of cookies and similar technologies that we use on the website. Where personal data is collected using cookies, our Privacy Policy applies in addition to this CST Policy.

Essential cookies. Essential cookies allow you to navigate the website and use its services and features. Without these strictly necessary cookies, the website will not function as smoothly as we want and we may not be able to provide the website itself or certain services and features.

Cookie nameDescriptionType & expiryFirst-party or third-party 
AWSALBAWS ALB Application Load Balancer.7 daysThird-party provider: Amazon Web Services, Inc. More information
AWSALBTGThis cookie is part of Amazon Web Services' Elastic Load Balancing. It is used for persistent sessions and to enable target group persistence. When the load balancer first routes a request to a weighted target group, the cookie is generated and included in subsequent requests to the load balancer. It is used to route requests to the target group specified in the cookie.7 daysThird-party provider: Amazon Web Services, Inc. More information
AWSALBCORSThis cookie is managed by Amazon Web Services and is used for load balancing.7 daysThird-party provider: Amazon Web Services, Inc. More information
ROUTEIDThis cookie is used to route users to the same server.Session cookieFirst-party
JSESSIONIDThe JSESSIONID cookie is used by New Relic to store a session identifier so that New Relic can monitor session counts for an application.Session cookieFirst-party
XSRF-TOKENPrevents fraudulent useSession cookieFirst-party
anonymous-consentStores whether a user has agreed to certain categories of cookie2 monthsFirst-party
cp-perfStores whether analytics cookies have been accepted by the user.2 monthsFirst-party
cp-chatStores whether chatbot cookies have been accepted by the user2 monthsFirst-party
cp-retStores whether marketing cookies have been accepted by the user2 monthsFirst-party
cp-logRequired to count users anonymously2 monthsFirst-party
hbwsiterecomProvides localised content and language version16 years, 8 monthsFirst-party
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVEMeasures YouTube bandwidth6 monthsThird-party provider: YouTube, LLC More information


Analytics cookies. Analytics cookies collect information about your use of the website and allow us to improve how the website works. For example, analytics cookies show us which sub-pages of the website are visited most often, they help us to identify problems with the website and they show us whether advertising is effective or not. This allows us to identify general patterns of use of the website, rather than use by a specific person. We use this information to analyse traffic to the website, but do not analyse this information for personally identifying information.

Cookie nameDescriptionType & expiryFirst-party or third-party 
HTML_BitRateBucketCsvThis cookie captures the playback time of videos in the video media player per visitor by the bit rate. It is used to analyse the video media player.SessionFirst-party
HTML_isPlayingCountThis cookie counts how often a certain video has been played in the video media player. It is used to analyse the video media player. It expires when you close your browser or withdraw your consent.SessionFirst-party
HTML_VisitValueCookieThis cookie calculates the value of the visit to the website based on the playtime of a video in the video media player when it is viewed and the number of times it is replayed. It is used to analyse the video media player. It expires when you close your browser or withdraw your consent.SessionFirst-party
HTML_VisitCountCookieThis cookie counts the views of a video in the video media player. It is used to analyse the video media player. It expires when you close your browser or withdraw your consent.SessionFirst-party
HTML_LastCLineTimeContains information to identify unique users of the subpage. Collects data on user visits, e.g. which subpages are relevant.SessionFirst-party
HTML_VisitIntervalStartTimeThis cookie captures the start time of a period between visits to a webpage in the video media player. It is used to analyse the video media player. It expires when you close your browser or withdraw your consent.SessionFirst-party
AkamaiAnalytics_BrowserSessionIdAssigns an anonymous identifier to each visitor who plays a video. It is used to analyse the video media player.SessionFirst-party
YSCRecords a unique identifier to keep statistics for the videos from YouTube that the user has watched.SessionThird-party provider: YouTube, LLCMore information
_gidSet by Google Analytics and used to identify unique users. Allows us to capture how visitors use the website.24 hoursThird-party provider:Google, LLCMore information
_ga_*Set by Google Analytics and used to persist the session status.2 yearsThird-party provider:Google, LLCMore information
gtm_internalUsed to identify internal traffic and exclude tracking by Google Analytics.1 monthThird-party provider:Google, LLCMore information
_gcl_auSet by Google Analytics; this cookie helps analyse the effectiveness of our advertising by capturing the associated conversions3 monthsThird-party provider:Google, LLCMore information
_pk_id.    Created by Piwik PRO and used to differentiate between users. Allows us to capture how visitors use the website.13 months  1st party
_pk_ses.    Analysis cookie, which does not contain any data itself. Whenever this cookie is set, the visitor counter is incremented in "_pk_id".Session1st party
ppms_privacy_    Stores the visitor's consent to data collection and use.12 months1st party
QSTSet to prevent multiple submissions of a Qualtrics survey. This cookie is used to capture the completed survey and prevent the user from participating a second time.6 monthsThird-party provider: Qualtrics LLCMore information
stg_traffic_source_priority    Stores the type of traffic source that explains how the visitor reached the website.30 minutes1st party
stg_last_interaction    Indicates whether the last visitor’s session is still in progress or a new session has started.365 days1st party
stg_returning_visitor    Determines if the visitor is a returning visitor.365 days1st party
stg_externalReferrer    Saves the URL of the website that referred the visitor to this website.Runs when the browser is closed    1st party
This cookie is created by VWO when a campaign goal is triggered.100 days3rd party VWO, More information
_vis_opt_test_cookieThis cookie is created by VWO to detect if the cookies are enabled on the visitor’s browser or not. It also helps in tracking the number of browser sessions a visitor has gone through.Expires on browser close3rd party VWO, More information
This cookie is created by VWO when a visitor is chosen for a particular variation for a test. This cookie makes sure that visitors see the same variation when they revisit the page in the future.100 days3rd party VWO, More information
This cookie is created by VWO when a visitor has been excluded from a test campaign due to the traffic percentage specifications.100 days3rd party VWO, More information
This cookie is created by VWO when one of the variations is chosen for the visitor, but the visitor is not yet redirected to the variation page. It exists so that VWO can verify that the variation page corresponds to the chosen variation after landing on the page.100 days3rd party VWO, More information
_vis_opt_sVWO creates this cookie to track the number of times a visitor has closed and reopened their browser.100 days3rd party VWO, More information
_vis_opt_outThis cookie that is created by VWO indicates that a user should not be made part of a campaign.10 years3rd party VWO, More information
_VWO_uuidA cookie that is created by VWO that generates a unique ID for each visitor.10 years3rd party VWO, More information
_VWO_uuid_{CAMPAIGNID}A cookie that is created for each cross-domain campaign and generates a unique ID for every visitor.10 years3rd party VWO, More information
_VWO_dsA cookie that is created by VWO that stores persistent visitor-level data for VWO Insights.Depends on the retention period of the VWO account3rd party VWO, More information
_VWO_snA cookie that is created by VWO that stores session-level information.30 minutes and reset again to 30 minutes on visitor activity3rd party VWO, More information
_VWO_uuid_v2A cookie that is created by VWO that calculates unique traffic on a website.366 days3rd party VWO, More information
This temporary cookie stores the chosen combination and is deleted when the campaign changes are applied.Persists until campaign changes are applied3rd party VWO, More information
A cookie that is created when a campaign goal is reached and cross-domain tracking is enabled.100 days3rd party VWO, More information
A cookie that is created when a visitor is chosen for a particular variation for a test and cross-domain tracking is enabled. This cookie ensures that visitors see the same variation when they revisit the page in the future.100 days3rd party VWO, More information
This cookie is set by VWO if cross-domain tracking is enabled. This cookie is created when a visitor is chosen for a particular variation for a test. This cookie ensures that visitors see the same variation when they revisit the page in the future.100 days3rd party VWO, More information
This cookie is set by VWO if cross-domain tracking is enabled. This cookie is created when one of the variations is chosen for the visitor, but the visitor is not yet redirected to the variation page. VWO uses this to verify that the variation page corresponds to the chosen variant after the visitor has landed on the page.100 days3rd party VWO, More information
This cookie is set by VWO when cross-domain tracking is enabled and generates a unique ID for every visitor.10 years3rd party VWO, More information
This cookie is set by VWO if cross-domain tracking is enables and it stores the chosen combination. It is a temporary cookie that gets deleted when the campaign changes are applied.Persists until campaign changes are applied3rd party VWO, More information
_VWO_referrerThis cookie is set by VWO and stores referral info allowing VWO to identify the original Traffic source for the Split URL campaign.15 seconds3rd party VWO, More information
_VWO_global_opt_outA cookie that is created if a user wants to opt out of VWO on all websites.100 days3rd party VWO, More information
_VWO A combined cookie that contains all the VWO cookies listed above. It is currently only created for the Safari browser.Expires in 2096 years3rd party VWO, More information


Advertising cookies. Advertising cookies are used to display targeted advertisements or promotional messages on the website based on your interests and to manage our advertising. These cookies collect information about your activities on this website and other websites in order to show you targeted advertising.

Social media cookies.  Social media cookies collect information on use of social media.


Cookie nameDescriptionType & expiryFirst-party or third-party 
_pin_unauthThe cookie supports combining the actions of users who cannot be identified by Pinterest.1 yearThird-party provider: Pinterest Europe Ltd.More information
_pinterest_ct_uaSupports online marketing by collecting information about users to promote products via partners and other platforms.1 yearThird-party provider: Pinterest Europe Ltd.More information
_fbpUsed to track the activity of leads on the page.3 monthsThird-party provider: Meta Platforms Ireland LimitedMore information
lidcUsed for Linkedin routing, share buttons and advertising.1 dayThird-party provider: Linkedin CorporationMore information
li_gcThis cookie is used to store consent of guests regarding the use of Linkedin cookies for non-essential purposes2 yearsThird-party provider: Linkedin CorporationMore information
li_mcThis cookie is used as a temporary cache. It is used to avoid database lookups for a member's consent for use of non-essential cookies and used for having consent information on the client side to enforce consent on the client side2 yearsThird-party provider: Linkedin CorporationMore information
langThis cookie stores the user's language preference. This ensures that the LinkedIn.com website is displayed in the language selected by the userSessionThird-party provider: Linkedin CorporationMore information
bcookieUsed by the social network LinkedIn to track the use of embedded services.2 yearsThird-party provider: Linkedin CorporationMore information
AnalyticsSyncHistoryUsed by LinkedIn in connection with data synchronisation with third-party analytics services.29 daysThird-party provider: Linkedin CorporationMore information
UserMatchHistoryUsed by LinkedIn to track visitors across multiple websites to display relevant ads based on the user's preferences.29 daysThird-party provider: Linkedin CorporationMore information
IDEUsed by Google DoubleClick to track and report the user's actions on the website after viewing or clicking on an advertisement from a provider, in order to measure the effectiveness of an advertisement and display targeted advertisements to the user.1 yearThird-party provider: Doubleclick (Google LLC)More information
__Secure-3PAPISIDUsed for targeting purposes to build a profile of website visitor interests to show relevant and personalised Google advertising.1 yearThird-party provider:Google, LLCMore information
__Secure-3PSIDUsed for targeting purposes to build a profile of website visitor interests to show relevant and personalised Google advertising.2 yearsThird-party provider:Google, LLCMore information
__Secure-3PSIDCCUsed for targeting purposes to build a profile of website visitor interests to show relevant and personalised Google advertising.2 yearsThird-party provider:Google, LLCMore information
UULEUsed for targeting purposes to build a profile of website visitor interests to show relevant and personalised Google advertising.1 dayThird-party provider:Google, LLCMore information
NIDUsed for targeting purposes to build a profile of website visitor interests to show relevant and personalised Google advertising.1 dayThird-party provider:Google, LLCMore information
CONSENTThis cookie is used by Google to store consent to the use of non-essential cookies2 yearsThird-party provider:Google, LLCMore information
1P_JARFor Google ad delivery or retargeting.1 monthThird-party provider:Google, LLCMore information
DVFor Google ad delivery or retargeting.1 dayThird-party provider:Google, LLCMore information
PREFProvides localised content and language version1 yearThird-party provider:Google, LLCMore information


Google Analytics. The Google Analytics service is provided by Google, Inc ("Google"). We use Google Analytics to compile anonymised statistics to improve the website. For information about Google's practices, see Google Analytics and Data Privacy. You can opt out by downloading the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on. We have taken the following measures to protect the data collected via Google Analytics:

  • We have entered into a data processing agreement with Google which sets out how Google may process the data collected via Google Analytics.
  • We have configured the Google Analytics settings so that the last octet of users' IP addresses is not visible.
  • We have configured Google Analytics so that no data is passed on to third parties.
  • We do not use any other Google services in connection with Google Analytics.

Piwik PRO. We use Piwik PRO Analytics Suite as our website/app analytics software to generate anonymised statistics so that we can improve the website. Take a look at what data is collected by Piwik PRO.
We host our solution on Microsoft Azure in Germany/Netherlands/United States/Hong Kong/ElastX in Sweden and store the data for 25 months.
Purpose of data processing: Analytics and conversion tracking based on your consent. Legal basis: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR.
Piwik PRO does not share data about you with other subprocessors or third parties and does not use it for its own purposes. For more information, see the Piwik PRO privacy policy.

Pixel tags. Pixel tags (also known as web beacons and clear GIFs) are used, among other things, to track user actions on the website, to measure the success of our marketing campaigns and to compile statistics on website usage and response rates.

Other third-party cookies.

Youtube: Detailed information about the cookies that are used is available on the following website or can be requested directly from the provider.

NewRelic: Detailed information about the cookies that are used is available on the following website or can be requested directly from the provider.

Yellowmap: Detailed information about the cookies that are used is available on the following website or can be requested directly from the provider.

Live Chat: These cookies enable our live-chat function. Detailed information on the cookies that are used for this purpose is available on the following website or can be requested directly from the provider.

Google reCAPTCHA: The website uses the reCAPTCHA service provided by Google Inc. ("Google") in order to be able to tell the difference between whether the forms provided on this website are filled in by a natural person or are being abused using automatic processing. The IP address and, potentially, other data required by Google for reCAPTCHA are sent to Google for this purpose. A different privacy policy from Google applies in this case. By using the website, you are agreeing to their privacy policy. Please do not use the website if you do not agree to their privacy policy.

VWO: We use VWO to better understand the behavior and the customer journey of the user. Based on the data that is acquired, the website is optimized for the needs of the user. You can find detailed information about the cookies used at the following website: VWO, Cookie Policy.

Browser and device information. Certain information, such as your Media Access Control (MAC) address, computer type (Windows or Mac), screen resolution, operating system name and version, device manufacturer and model, language, browser type and version, and the name and version of the page you are using, is collected by most browsers or automatically by your device. We use this information to ensure that the website is functioning properly.

Physical location. We track the physical location of your device, using e.g. satellite, mobile phone station and WiFi signals. We use the physical location of your device to provide you with personalised, location-based services and content. We also share the physical location of your device with information about the advertisements you view and other information we collect with our marketing partners so that they can provide you with more personalised content and review the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. In some cases, you may allow or not allow these types of use and your device's location being sent, but in that case, we and our marketing partners may not be able to provide you with relevant personalised services and content.

Device fingerprint. To provide you with content that we think may be of interest to you based on your activity on the website and for fraud prevention and authentication purposes, we may also use other techniques similar to cookies. For example, we may collect device properties and combine the information collected by most browsers or automatically about your device to create a unique identifier that allows us to identify your browser or device with reasonable certainty. We may collect, use and combine the following information when we do this:

  • Number of visits
  • Last visit
  • First visit
  • External IP address
  • Internal IP address
  • Screen resolution
  • Geolocation (latitude/longitude based on IP address)
  • Device benchmark
  • Reference bandwidth of the device
  • Device user agent (browser type and browser version)
  • Capabilities of the device (Modernizr string for browser capabilities)
  • Device operating system
  • Installed device plug-ins
  • Browser language
  • Flash enabled or disabled
  • Stored device time
  • Keywords used when opening via search engine
  • Pages visited
  • Duration of visit
  • Referral page
  • Position of the mouse pointer
  • Mouse clicks
  • Page scroll position

3. How do I manage cookies and similar technologies?

You can change or cancel your settings for cookies and similar technologies below.

    Please note that this will not completely remove the cookies already stored on your device. You can delete the cookies already stored on your device by following the instructions below:

    Deleting cookies in Internet Explorer

    Deleting cookies in Firefox

    Deleting cookies in Chrome

    Deleting cookies in Opera

    Deleting Cookies in Safari

    For information about other browsers, see the browser developer's website. Please note that, if cookies are disabled, the website may not function as intended. Please contact us at privacy@hansgrohe.com if you have any questions or concerns.

    If you want to delete all the cookies that have been stored by the websites you visit, three programs to delete tracking cookies are available under the following links: